Past Events

SCHOOL 015SCHOOL 037Student Success Day 2013SCHOOL 049SCHOOL 017 SCHOOL 013SCHOOL 025 SCHOOL 038SCHOOL 039SCHOOL 007SCHOOL 016

SCHOOL 042Matt Fjorden

Speaker Chris Grossmeier came in to talk about VMware. He expressed how virtualization is the future for the industry.

LAN PARTY!!  -Wednesday, Sept. 21st (Student Success Day). Approximatley 85 people showed up through out the day.
-Held from 10am-2:30pm
-Lots of video games! (xbox,ps3,PC)
-Food and beverages were provided

Defcon Presentation 9/13/11

CCITA sent four students to Defcon this year! The room was full as students from ITT and other programs came to listen to them share their experience. They covered: Defcon culture, events, exploits, vulnerablities, and more. Food and beverages were provided. Detailed notes of the event can be found here.

CCITA General Meeting 9/7/11

The first general meeting of fall semester was a huge success! Approximately 30 students were present. Topics discussed included upcoming events, touring companies, LAN party, future speakers, and more. Food and beverages were provided. To view detailed notes of the events click here.

Welcome Back BBQ! 8/24/11

Present at the Welcome back BBQ for fall 2011 representing the CCITA were Jake, Jamie, Melissa(not pictured), and Marc. This was an exciting event and we were able to meet lots of students in many different fields and personally invite them to our upcoming events. We enjoyed some great food and music!